Friday, August 31, 2007

Inspection statistics, ordinance change information

I have been asked by a number of folks to provide the updated environmental inspection and rental housing code statistics.

In the most recent fiscal year (ending 6-30-07) - Four inspectors completed 2472 total housing inspections in 4700 units. The rental inspections added up to 779 inspections in 2216 units. The weed inspections were 2578.

In the prior fiscal year (7-1-05 through 6-30-06) - 14 inspectors completed 4754 total housing inspections in 9823 units. The rental inspections added up to 1738 inspections in 5136 units. The weed inspections were 2125.

Moving forward, eight inspectors will be doing this work.

In the most recent fiscal year (ending 6-30-07) - Public Works staff sent 5244 environmental notice letters and performed 1376 clean ups.

In the prior fiscal year, the numbers totaled 1914 environmental notice letters and 800 clean ups.

Additional info on the Environmental Inspections - click here.


I have also been asked to post the ordinance change, re: the rental dwelling definition, to review - click here.

To summarize, the before and after for this change, I have outlined a few bullet points:

* Prior to this ordinance passing, no contract sales were subject to regular rental inspection cycles
* Now, when less than 3% is put down - they are subject to regular rental inspection cycles
* Prior to the ordinance passing, all "rent to owns" were inspected
* This ordinance does take the "rent to owns" out of inspection, when the occupant places 3% down
* All of these properties are still subject to: housing code enforcement (all complaints will be inspected)
* All of these properties are still subject to: nuisance abatement ordinances
* This ordinance, in theory, will place more focus on the "rent to owns" where the least amount of money is being placed down by the occupant

Obviously, at the very least, we need to monitor this program closely and work with the DFD. We should evaluate the pros/cons for the time being and move forward from there. Let me know of any other questions and concerns.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A few items of note ....

The NCRC (National Community Reinvestment Coalition) Regional Conference is Tues. (8/21) and Wed. (8/22), in Davenport, at the Radisson, Figge, and JOD. More information, click here.

The Urban Deer Hunt information is now on the city's website. The hunt season starts Sept. 15th. To learn more about rules/registration: click here.

A Downtown Living Strategy meeting is tomorrow (8/20) at 6 pm (RME/2nd Flr.). Click here to learn more.

The application process, for neighborhoods interested in participating in the 100-Homes program has begun. I have saved the new application form, brochure, and information on my website, to review - click here. The new information took into consideration feedback from citizens and the council, including an expanded target area (now 36-sq. blocks).

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

IOC Meeting Schedule

A series of meetings to review challenges and opportunities related to the potential move of the casino operation off of the riverfront begins tonight.

The schedule follows:

Meeting 1: Tues., 8/7, 5:30 pm @ River-Center
Meeting 2: Thurs., 8/16, 5:30 pm @ River-Center
Meeting 3: Tues., 8/28, 5:30 pm @ River-Center
Meeting 4: Thurs., 8/30, Noon @ River-Center

Details/additional info - click here